Upcoming Events

This event calendar page serves as a comprehensive hub for showcasing the diverse array of upcoming events, concerts, and recitals I am involved in.

With this calendar interface, we hope this will allow you to easily navigate through the days, weeks, and months to discover what exciting programming lies in store.

Each event listing is presented with key details such as the event title, date, time, location, and a brief description, giving you a concise snapshot of what to expect.



Current Month


03nov3:00 pm4:00 pmFaure Requiem

21nov6:30 pm7:30 pmDivine Muse: Honoring Saint Cecilia


21dec1:30 pm2:15 pmSing Choirs of Angels: Holiday Sing-Along 1:30pm

21dec3:00 pm3:45 pmSing Choirs of Angels: Holiday Sing-Along- 3pm